Friday, April 9, 2010


Our contractor promises us the snow is melting and that the cabin will soon start going up.  The flurry of signatures on county building applications and checks for application fees and engineers has been the extent of our own personal activity for the cabin of late.  Unless, of course, you count the little bit of adding to the cabin trousseau I've been doing.  I found a wonderful old Mennonite bench from Mexico, six feet long and with the original old red paint.  It will do dual duty for us in the cabin, either sitting along the dining table for extra seating or under the front windows serving the same purpose in the area around the wood burning stove.  Until it makes the journey from southern Arizona to central Colorado it's sitting happily in my guest room.

The building permit is hoped for this coming week, and expected the week after that.  It's very strange to think that the next time we are on the Colorado property there will be the beginnings of a cabin sitting there.  We are counting the weeks, though we're not totally sure how many we need to count as our departure date is a bit up in the air due to some unexpected work commitments, but somewhere between six and seven.  In some ways that seems way too far away and in others it seems way too soon.  There's much to do and decide in the next few weeks; decisions easier to make here where Lowes and Home Depot are 15 minutes away, not an hour and a half.

I am thinking red.  A light-hearted cherry red.  A cheerful red front door, maybe a kitchen counter.  White walls -- I don't want to be locked into a color scheme.  I'd toyed with oil-rubbed bronze hardware and plumbing fixtures, but it's a new cabin and I want to celebrate and honor that a bit, so we'll go with brushed nickel.  Not only much more available and reasonably priced, it'll go nicely with the hammered aluminum I've been collecting for the cabin.  These trays (and several more) will decorate the wall in the dining room, gently reflecting the warm light from the wood burning stove.

I've been dreaming of a cabin all my life it seems, and it always seemed a fantasy.  Until last summer I was sure we'd make-do with the trailer, and a nice make-do it was too, but since we decided to rebuild the cabin I have been living inside this imaginary structure, and stocking up on Ebay, Etsy, and Goodwill goodies to make the dream more concrete now, and quicker to realize when the cabin is done.

I'm thinking pie...cherry.  I can almost smell it.


  1. I love it! You sound so ready to move forward with this project Debbie. I love the trays. I know you will do an excellent decorating job. Hey I hope you'll invite me and John up there to the cabin one day!

  2. Oh yeah, you could mail a cherry pie (smiles).
